Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day was wonderful this year. The weather was perfect after 7 or so days of rain. Isabel, Evan and I drove up to PA to see my parents. We met at Pen Mar Park on the PA/MD border. It was once a picnic area for the upper class from Baltimore / Washington. There are some beautiful Victorian homes around the park. Below are some picture of our day.

This is a picture of what I see in my rear view mirror every time I'm in the car. My two little darlings sitting in their car seats. Usually, Isabel is talking and Evan is either laughing at Isabel or looking out the window. They certainly make care trips fun ... and I must admit sometimes frustrating. However, on this Mother's Day, they were the perfect children.

Isabel is such a poser. She loves getting her picture taken and loves to take pictures. In this photo, she is holding a little purple flower.

Evan, on the other hand, wants little to do with getting his picture taken. He is much more interested in eating the grass. I captured him here for a second - right before he grabbed a handful of grass and put it in his mouth.

Evan is really grandma's boy, but he let grandpa hold him for a few minutes do I could take their picture together. He is actually looking at grandma in this picture.

Now, Isabel is Grandpa's girl - not that she doesn't like Grandma. She is really drawn to Grandpa and likes to talk with him and be with him. On Mother's Day, she and Grandpa went to the little playground at the picnic area. Isabel showed Grandpa how to slide and swing.

Here's my little model again. She asked me to take her picture so I had her lean against the tree. What a cutie!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They both are so cute Michelle!!! You are so lucky to have them both!!! I am so happy for you!!! They are so lucky to have you as a Mommy!!!

Love, Laurie