Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day was wonderful this year. The weather was perfect after 7 or so days of rain. Isabel, Evan and I drove up to PA to see my parents. We met at Pen Mar Park on the PA/MD border. It was once a picnic area for the upper class from Baltimore / Washington. There are some beautiful Victorian homes around the park. Below are some picture of our day.

This is a picture of what I see in my rear view mirror every time I'm in the car. My two little darlings sitting in their car seats. Usually, Isabel is talking and Evan is either laughing at Isabel or looking out the window. They certainly make care trips fun ... and I must admit sometimes frustrating. However, on this Mother's Day, they were the perfect children.

Isabel is such a poser. She loves getting her picture taken and loves to take pictures. In this photo, she is holding a little purple flower.

Evan, on the other hand, wants little to do with getting his picture taken. He is much more interested in eating the grass. I captured him here for a second - right before he grabbed a handful of grass and put it in his mouth.

Evan is really grandma's boy, but he let grandpa hold him for a few minutes do I could take their picture together. He is actually looking at grandma in this picture.

Now, Isabel is Grandpa's girl - not that she doesn't like Grandma. She is really drawn to Grandpa and likes to talk with him and be with him. On Mother's Day, she and Grandpa went to the little playground at the picnic area. Isabel showed Grandpa how to slide and swing.

Here's my little model again. She asked me to take her picture so I had her lean against the tree. What a cutie!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is here and life is good

Life for all of us is great, a little hectic, and incredibly fulfilling. Every evening after dinner we sit on the floor and play and try to keep Evan out of everything when he cruises - there are toys everywhere and lots of noise - I love it. For me, it offsets the crazy pace at work caused by the endless focus on the housing market and economy. My hope is that the pace will slow down by June ... that is unless the Treasury pushes out more housing programs.

Evan with his Doc Band - he has a moderate diagnosis of plagiocephaly (aka - he has a flat and lopsided head). He'll wear this band for 23 hrs a day for about 4 months. It's really a non-issue for him. He goes about his day and night without noticing that it is on his head. In the photo above, he had been wearing the band about 4 hours. Now, he has had it about a month and I can already see changes in the shape of his head.

The evening I was taking pictures of Evan's Doc Band, Isabel also wanted me to take pictures of her so she struck this pose. What a ham ... and a beauty!!

Evan is learning to self-feed, which is a messy endeavor, but he is trilled by it. He is eating more and more table food and I'm trying to teach him how to drink from a sippy cup and a regular cup. His favorite foods are sweet potatoes, carrots, rice, mashed potatoes, yogurt, any type of fruit, chicken, and pasta. Oh, and I cannot forget Cheerios, which for him is it's own food group on the food pyramid.

Isabel is an up and coming artist. She creates more art than anyone I know and she is very creative. Even though I am a proud mom, I must admit she amazes me with her ideas - she makes her own puzzles, paints all types of pictures (like the self portrait above), puts together books with her drawing, uses her imaginary friends in her stories, writes 'letters' to her friends & family, creates large murals (one was the Great Wall in China with stick figures walking on it) - and uses all types of materials. Her staples are colored paper, masking tape, markers, paint, stickers, and colors. Her typical themes are family, friends, princesses, flowers, and herself.

With spring starting to show it beauty around us, we'll start going outside more and more. There are flowers to plant, bubbles to chase, and playgrounds to explore.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Princesses, new school, sitting and coffee

It is March 1 ... how did that happen? Time just has a way of pulling us along in life. Well, I have to say that February was definitely a much better month than January. Evan and Isabel have both been healthy and full of life. That's why I haven't posted anything for a month. So, I'm making up for no posts in Feb by having lots of pictures in this post.

Evan is developing so fast. He is now crawling everywhere, sitting, has 10 teeth (#9 & #10 are just coming in) and has started to pull himself up to a standing position. All of this in a 2 month period. WOW - that's alot for a little guy. He is such a sweet boy, too. He loves to snuggle and I can tell he is going to have a good sense of humor. He is much more interested in the cats that Isabel was and chases after them with the fastest crawl that he can.

This photo was taken at the Asian New Year celebration that is held by the Adoption Center of Washington. Every year they gather all the adopted children and take a picture ... it's a crazy scene. In this photo, we are surrounded by children adopted from China and Vietnam. Most of the infants are from the same orphanage as Evan.

Well, it was a touch decision, but I decided to move Isabel and Evan to a home daycare. Here's a picture of their new caretaker ... teacher as Isabel calls her. They have been there for 3 weeks and all is going well. Evan hasn't gotten sick - yeah - and Isabel is already attached to the children and caretakers. Everyday she had new lesson papers and crafts.

Isabel is such a fun girl. She is becoming more and more independent and full of stories and opinions. Yesterday, she decided that she was going to wear a purple princess gown and tiara to the grocery store, and then to grandma & grandpa's. She wore the outfit all day long.

March came in like a lion. We woke up to snow and a cold blustery day. Here's my little guy and mommy - just out of bed this morning - do I really look that that in the mornings ???!!!??? The picture was taken before I had my coffee - that must be why I look so rough. These days, coffee has become a definite staple for me.

March looks to be a good month, too. Isabel will start back with her Chinese classes on Saturdays. I should be able to get my taxed done this week .... need that refund. We may tag along on a short trip to FL with grandma & grandpa. I think Evan will be cruising and maybe taking steps by the end of the month. And, my hope is that the warm, spring weather will be with us, too. I just love spring!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January was tough

Sorry no pictures this time. I do have a few more to post and will do that soon.

Wow, I'm glad it is February today. January was a tough month, especially for Evan. The poor little guy got the stomach flu twice and cut 2 teeth all at the same time. It wasn't until the last week that he actually got back to normal. Now, he'll need to catch up on his weight because he lost 2 lbs vs gaining weight. Although, he did achieve one big thing ... he learned to sit!! Yeah!!

Isabel also had the stomach flu, but it wasn't as hard on her. And I, thank God, I was spared. My neighbor tells me that mothers are somehow given a special immunity to disease so they have the strength to take care of everyone else. I hope that stays true because I started back to work on 1/23 and don't want to take any additional time off. It is a very busy time for the company.

Now we go into the month of February. At this moment, my father and most of PA are rooting for the Steelers in the Super Bowl while Isabel and I are watching Cinderella. Evan is asleep in his crib and I will probably not hear from him until about 4:30 AM. Although, I think he has a few more teeth trying to pop through so he may be restless tonight.

This coming week will be the last week Isabel and Evan will be attending their daycare center. I made the decision a few weeks ago to move them to a home daycare. The lady who will be watching them is very nice, has great references and is much less expensive. She will have lessons for Isabel and will also do crafts, teach dance, teach Spanish, and help her with the ABC workbook I'll send with her. There are 2 other children around Isabel's age. There is 1 other infant there, a 10 month old, so Evan will have a friend to play with, too.

I will also continue Isabel in Chinese lessons and expose her to the Chinese culture. Today we went to a Asian New Year party - the year of the Ox. All of the families there adopted children from an Asian country - primarily China. The families would like to continue to get together monthly so the children can form friendships and also to have a support network. Evan will also learn about China and as he gets older, I'll find ways to expose him to Vietnam, it's language and culture. Fortunately, I know several Vietnamese families who can help me.

You know, I really like this life my children and I are building together. While it has it challenges, I love everything about it and I love both of my children endlessly. They are beautiful!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Family Photos

After we returned from Vietnam, I scheduled an appointment to have our photos taken. I think they turned out great. My 2 babies are beautiful!!!! I am so blessed to have them as my children.

Isabel and Evan have so much fun together and it is great to watch them interact. I started Evan in daycare last week for a few hours every day. He'll be going to the same center as Isabel. He has taken to his class caretakers and other infants very well. There is a little girl about the same age as him, Alexa, that he really likes and plays with her a lot. They tell me that the two of them go around the room seeking out the toys and getting into things.

I'll start back to work next Friday - after the inauguration. So I have about a week to get all the things I wanted to accomplish around the house complete.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

We have been home almost a month and Evan is adjusting very well. We have finally gotten into a regular schedule now that the holidays are over. He is sleeping very well - goes to bed around 7:00 pm and sleeps until 5:00 am, and then has a bottle and sleeps until 7:00 am. He plays for a few hours, and then takes a 2 hour nap at 10:00 am and also at 2:00 pm. He is eating very well and I have been introducing new foods into his diet every 3 days or so. He loves sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and pears. He's not too hip on apples or yogurt and, of course, he loves his bottle.

Our first week home, Evan had a pediatrician appointment and had to have blood drawn. He was given a clean bill of health and all his labs came back good. He has a minor iron deficiency and is taking extra iron every day for the next month, and will then be retested for his iron levels. Isabel went back to daycare that week and was back into her regular schedule. She really missed all her friends and teachers at school. She also could not wait to show off her new little brother to everyone. She is a proud big sister.

Evan's second week home he came down with the illness both Isabel and my dad had in Vietnam. The poor little guy was very uncomfortable with a fever, hard cough and congestion. That was a very tough week for both of us - especially me because I had to hold him a lot to get him to sleep. Fortunately, he didn't loose his appetite so I didn't have to worry about dehydration. At the end of that week, my sister and family arrived for the holidays and all the festivities began. Somehow during that week I was able to find a few hours to go Christmas shopping. Isabel was getting more and more excited about Christmas so we had lots of conversations about Santa, what presents she wanted and I tried to balance the commercial by discussing the birth of Christ. I think I made a good impression on what Christmas means to me and I hope it takes hold in her heart.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents and my sister and her family this year at my parent's home. It was a very nice time with everyone and both Isabel and Evan were the center of attention. Isabel was thrilled to see all the presents and started to count how many she had. Plus she loved playing with her cousins, Jackie and Jesse. Evan was just happy to have someone holding him or playing with him all day long. With 5 adults and 2 teenagers, there were plenty of hands around to help out. He also started to crawl on Christmas day. My brother called from over seas several times and took part of the gift opening over the phone. My oldest nephew, Sean, stayed home because he had to work and we missed having him with us ... the first time since he was born 20 years ago.

Now, it is 2009. Evan will start daycare next week - a few hours each day until he is there a full day by the time I return to work. I am planning to be back at work on Jan 22. Until then, I'll use the few hours I will have alone to complete some projects at home. I need to get Evan's room organized and painted. I also need to go through the house & garage and purge things. I also hope to get ready for my taxes and take a hard, long look at my budget. With another daycare bill every week, I need to cut back on some things. Ahhhh, the holiday festivities are fading away and reality is settling in.